Vaccine Investment Urgency: Why Isn’t More Being Done?by Terry Bingman 30.03.2024Cancel subscription renewal anytime, pay upfront for a year and save 20%, and enjoy the FT digital service. Discover why ...
Bitcoin Runes Boosting Prices on Magic Edenby John Darbie 30.03.2024Magic Eden, a marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), is set to have a significant impact on the future of Bitcoin ...
Artificial Intelligence Locates Strokes Without MRIby Lilu Anderson 29.03.2024GPT-4 shows promising potential in identifying stroke-affected brain regions, though it occasionally makes mistakes. Improving diagnosis speed could be beneficial, ...
Ethereum Blob Fees Soar After BlobScriptions Launchby John Darbie 28.03.2024After the launch of Ethereum's data inclusion fees, there was a significant spike in prices, but they have now dropped ...
Ethereum Struggles with Blob Subscriptions Trendby John Darbie 28.03.2024One gwei is worth a billion wei, and six gwei is around $0.20. However, the Blob Base Fee measured in ...
Amazon Invests $2.75 Billion in AI Startup Anthropicby Lilu Anderson 28.03.2024Amazon has made an initial $1.25 billion investment in Anthropic and plans to invest up to $4 billion. Anthropic will ...
On-Device AI: The Future of Artificial Intelligenceby Lilu Anderson 07.03.2024Oppo and Xiaomi are using on-device AI for phone cameras and photo editing tools, driven by their Snapdragon 8 Gen ...
New PTSD Treatment: VR Exposure & Brain Stimulationby Lilu Anderson 07.03.2024A recent study suggests that an alternative treatment for PTSD using transcranial direct current stimulation shows promise in reducing symptoms.
IBM Boosts Productivity with Adobe AI Tools in Marketingby Lilu Anderson 06.03.2024IBM has reported productivity improvements after using generative AI tools from Adobe for marketing campaigns. A survey shows a growing ...
Is VR the Answer to Early Alzheimer’s Detection?by Lilu Anderson 06.03.2024Cambridge researchers have discovered that virtual reality (VR) may be able to detect early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by testing ...